Almond Emulator
an iOS application by Trevis Rothwell
The Almond Emulator is a trivial application that I wrote to learn about Apple iPhone development. In my opinion, the application is mildly amusing for a few seconds, but it has little lasting value.
Ashamed of myself, I eventually pulled it from the iPhone app store, but received requests from actual people saying that they wanted me to put it back. So I put it back.
User Reviews
Even more awesome than the Almond Emulator application itself are the reviews that users have written about it. Here are a few of them:
With technology so prevalent in our lives, we often forget to take time out of our days to think about the little things in life. Thats why this app is so great. When I'm sitting on the cold, sterile train on the way to my dead end job where I count the days until I feel death's frigid embrace I can pretend that I am in a better time, enjoying an almond in the warm summer sun on my grandfather's farm.
— Matt Korybski
I can't say enough about Almond Emulator and how it's helped enhance my sensory experience of the almond nut. The interface is simple to use, accessible for all ages to enjoy. It's really like holding a perfect almond in my hand (I almost tried to eat the phone!). I was blown away by how realistic the almond sound was. The presentation is outstanding, the graphics are crisp, and you can't beat the content. I can only hope this is the first app in a long line of food simulations that can really educate the public. The update even gives you the chocolate covered version yum! My only gripe is that this should be under the Productivity category in the app store because of its usefulness.
— dewhacker
Not Saliva Proof: I had to trash two iPhones due to failed attempts at tasting these almonds. And I'd do it again. Amazing. Thank you.
— Tyveron
This app brought me to tears numerous times. The impeccable and awe-striking beauty and passion that the author successfully portrayed in this wonderful work of art is unmatched and will be something that is passed on for generations to come.
— Fataltrid
As if that wasn't enough, the Almond Emulator was also featured on
Get the Application
This application is available on the Apple iTunes application store. Buy one today! Better yet, buy a thousand!